Mountain gorillas are among the most extraordinary creatures on Earth, residing exclusively in the highlands of Uganda, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. These highly intelligent primates hold a critical place in the animal kingdom due to their unique behaviours, complex social structures, and remarkable adaptations to their mountainous habitats. However, their survival remains...Read More
Gorilla trekking is one of the most sought-after wildlife experiences, offering an extraordinary opportunity to observe these critically endangered primates in their natural habitat. However, the timing of your trek plays a crucial role in determining the overall quality of your experience. Factors like weather, trail conditions, and even gorilla activity levels vary throughout the...Read More
Booking a Uganda safari can be with either Uganda Wildlife Authority or other entrusted companies which specialize in organizing affordable guided safaris for couples, solo tourists, families, small groups. Ugandans make their visitors number one priority with their budget & personal interests however these companies offer a wide range of safari packages fit for wildlife...Read More
Gorilla Groups in Uganda: Uganda hosts a big percentage of the surviving mountain gorillas in Uganda, it is confirmed about 70% of the mountain gorillas are found in Bwindi forest national park and Mgahinga gorilla national park, southwest of Uganda. Bwindi forest national park alone has over 400 mountain gorillas including habituated, semi habituated and...Read More
How to Book a Gorilla Permit, for a successful full gorilla trekking experience, you need to acquire a gorilla permit to track Gorillas in any of the Gorilla parks in both Uganda and Rwanda. Gorilla permits so often sell out so you need to reserve your permit in advance to go gorilla trekking at least...Read More
Gorilla Tracking Packing List as an activity is not for wearing so smart, however, the activity needs comfortable clothing to enable you to hike comfortably. It is an experience where you hike from muddy, steep terrain, sometimes you have to hold on to the ground for support. It is also important while planning for a...Read More
Accommodation in Bwindi National Park, Bwindi forest national park is a large protected area divided into four tracking sectors Buhoma, Ruhija, Nkuringo, and Rushaga to the south of the park, and each tracking sector has its own allocated habituated gorilla families for tracking. The habituated gorilla families to track differ depending on the part of...Read More
Gorilla Tracking Rules in both countries is a daily activity that exposes gorillas to different humans, mountain gorillas had faced extinction in the past years to habitat loss, diseases among others. Mountain gorilla’s population has increased to over 1000 in the whole world because of improved conservation among them include the gorilla tracking rules and regulations. Mountain...Read More
History of Mountain, Gorillas are the largest species of primates. They are ground-dwelling, predominantly herbivorous apes that inhabit the forests of East and Central Africa. The DNA of gorillas is highly similar to that of humans, about 95–99% depending on what is counted, and they are the next closest living relatives to humans after the...Read More
Facts about Rwanda, According to local belief, Tutsi cattle breeders began arriving in Rwanda from the Horn of Africa (Somalia) in the 15th century and gradually subjugated the Hutu inhabitants. The Tutsis established a monarchy headed by a mwami (king) and a feudal hierarchy of Tutsi nobles and gentry. Through a contract known as ubuhake,...Read More